Self awareness - the new frontier in player development

If you are like most hockey parents with an elite teenage player living under your roof you are probably searching for a way to give your teenage athlete a competitive edge. As a parent nothing feels better then to watch your son or daughter succeed, achieve their goals and put themselves on the path to a bright future in hockey and life.

With just about every family investing heavily in extra skating, skills and strength training it is becoming more and more difficult to find that competitive edge for your son or daughter. So how can you as a parent give your teenage athlete a secret competitive advantage that gives them the inside track on a high school, college, university, junior or professional career in hockey?

In my many years of experience working as a coach with players from the ages of 13, up through the major junior, college and professional levels. I can say without any reservation that there is still one significantly overlooked development opportunity that most hockey families and teenage hockey players have yet to explore. One that with minimal investment can provide immediate and conspicuous performance gains for your son or daughter.

In my experience, families and players are spending tons of money on the physical part of their development and are completely ignoring their mental game development. It is often said that hockey is 50% mental and if that’s true you may want to stop and ask yourself some difficult questions.

Are you making the same mistake as everyone else?

Are you over investing in the physical side of hockey and ignoring mental game development?

Mostly likely the answer to both questions is yes. However, do not despair for all is not lost.

The reason for this glaring hole in hockey development culture is varied and complex and beyond the scope of this article. Let’s just sum it up by saying that mindset and mental skills development currently sits outside of today’s amateur player development culture. Hockey culture sees the mental game as hard to pin down, impossible to teach, something that a player is born with or something that a player “picks up” with experience.

If this sounds like you I have some bad news and I have some good news. The bad news is, like most families, you have been short changing your kids development. The good news is that none of these things are true and you have just discovered the new frontier of player development from which your son or daughter will benefit immensely both in their hockey career and in life in general. Mental skills can be learned just like physical skills and your son or daughter can and must have an elite mental game if they are to outperform their peers.

The first step in plugging your teenage player into this previously overlooked development opportunity is Self Awareness. That is to say that if your son or daughter is going to be the best athlete they can be they must become A Self Aware Athlete. They must know and understand themselves at a much deeper level to unlock their full potential.

In our simple three step program we will

Measure (yes, measure) your son or daughters mental game through the art and science of hockey psychometrics.

Compare their mental game to a group of elite players in college, junior or professional hockey including the NHL.

Design and deliver a customized mindset and mental game development plan that is tailor made for your unique son or daughter. In the field of mental game development there is no such thing as one size fits all as each athlete is unique.

This program will transform your teenage hockey player from scattered, anxious, overwhelmed and under performing to calm, consistent and out performing in a shorter time than you thought possible.

If you would like to explore this development opportunity for your son or daughter, click on the Free Case Study button above.

Or click here  

Wishing you the best on your hockey development journey.


©2012 Athlete Self