Phil and Jenny Cowick - Sports Parents, Kansas City, USA
My wife and I are just blown away with Graysen's progress. He just scored his first penalty shot game winner!  None of this would have been possible without your program.
TJ Cassim - Sports Parent, Chicago, USA
Since starting your program we have seen an incredible improvement in Kevin’s game. And his overall demeanor. His confidence is up, scoring is up and that has him now getting recognized by scouts. It is further proof that your program works. Again thanks for everything!
Dana McQuade - Sport Parent, Florida, USA
Hi Andrew! We cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for Sean! His mental clarity has been next level from all he’s learned from you! Our entire family is so proud of/ excited for him! The private tour of the campus was definitely an added touch I don’t think Sean would have ever dreamed he would have received. As his mom, it was fun to watch. Thank you again for all you do!
Sharon Kelley - Sports Parent, Connecticut, USA
Liam is really loving the information and his results. As you may have noticed, he was an extreme when it came to low confidence and self doubt. Just your one conversation has allowed him to get to his next level in sports and school. This program his has given him life lessons that we will use forever. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this process.  
Michael Calabret - Athlete, Mount Saint Charles Academy, USA
Hey Coach Andrew, I had a great game today at nationals in San Jose, California and my team won. Been playing great ever since I started your program and couldn’t thank you enough. Win or go home for us tomorrow.  
Jenna Mouille - Sports Parent, Alberta, Canada
What a difference we see in him and not just us. I heard a few parents in the stands making comments about how great of a weekend Bronsyn had. He had his coach tell him that he is his most reliable guy!  Thank you again.
Jackson Wille - NCAA Athlete,  Minnesota, USA
When I started working with Coach Andrew last season I was anxious, overthinking and afraid to make mistakes. Andrew got me out of my head, in the zone and playing my best game consistently. This year I'm wearing the "A" for my team and I just signed a college commitment!
Danielle MacDonald - Sports Parent - PEI, Canada
I just wanted to message and say from a parent point of view how much we appreciate this course.  It was a beautiful thing as a parent with witness.  We see the growth in a few short months and we look forward to supporting his future with this program. 
Adam Hedges - Athlete, Manitoba, Canada
Hey Andrew, just wanted to thank you real quick! The all star teams have just been announced for the league and I’m gonna be in it on February the 9th! Just wanted to thank you again for all your help definitely couldn’t have done it without your help and the program!!
Dale Foote - Sports Parent, Ontario, Canada
Landon has been excelling this season, playing better than he ever has and now leads his team in scoring! Your work and support with him has been very noticeable and we thank you for contributing to his success. 
Tyler Fogu - Athlete, New Jersey, USA
Camp went very very well! The game slowed down for me. I was confident and I held onto the puck. I had 13 points in 8 games. Made the all star games then got invited to training camp in September!  I was by far the best kid on the ice. Thanks for your help!
Gio Morneau - University Athlete, Ontario, Canada
“I had my training camp/try out this weekend and the coaches said that they were very impressed and surprised by my play given that I was a later round round pick. You have provided me with great guidance with your program”
Chris and Ann Morneau - Sports Parents, Ontario, Canada
Thank you so much for the absolutely fantastic Self Aware Athlete program. This program has made a REMARKABLE difference for our son. We knew all along how skilled he was but the missing piece was the mental skills development provided by Self Aware Athlete and coach Andrew.”
Christine Drachler - Sports Parent, Quebec, Canada
Zac is currently playing in Quebec and loving it.  The difference the last few months have made to his skill level is unreal.  Thanks.
Joe Segvich - Sports Parent, Chicago, USA
My Son Calvin went from house league to AAA in one Year !  What a ride!  No way this would have been possible without Andrew's help.  Many thanks! 
Pat Byrne - Sports Parent, Las Vegas, USA
Padraig has made amazing progress. The program gave us a structure and base line for a conversation on the mental game. We now have a framework where he understands how his mind works and can recognize where it is working against him. The program has made a big difference and we are grateful for your help.
Josh Levesque - NCAA Athlete, Chicago, USA
I was in a slump.  I would get so upset with myself for not scoring.  I was afraid to make a mistake so I always passed. I knew my mental game was off so we found Andrew. After a few sessions with Andrew I was able to find my game and I got 11 points in 5 games!  In my regular season since getting back I am now in the top 10 in scoring in my league!  Andrew showed me a new way to play.
Jeff Giblin - Sports Dad, Florida, USA
After having his confidence crushed by a former coach, The Self-aware Athlete training program completely restored my son's confidence and mental game in a matter of weeks.  It's part of the development process that is a must for any high level athlete and Andrew Pardy is a game changer and master of the art!
Peter Sides - Sports Dad, New Jersey, USA
Can’t thank Coach Andrew enough for introducing our son to the Mental Game Academy. Watching your child struggle with intangibles can leave parents feeling helpless in how to support & guide them. This program gives you and your child a common language and simple action steps to learn from and then move past these obstacles.
Mitch Korn - Professional Coach, Washington Capitals, USA
As a coach, I am always trying to find reliable ways to help me learn more about the goalies I am coaching, or may be coaching. I want to know more about the skills that are non-physical. Specifically to learn about the goalie’s mental and emotional skills. These two areas are much harder to get real valuable information by just watching. The more I know, the more I can help. And that goes for every level of play!  I am very encouraged by the data provided and we are looking at increasing our use as we go forward.
Jake Ingham - Pro Athlete, LA Kings, USA
Andrew was able to help me clear my mind and identify the important values where I should be directing my focus. He also helped me create a clean slate and put everything that happened before in the past.
James Boyd - General Manager, Ottawa 67's, Ontario, Canada
The information provided through SAA has been invaluable in helping us to tailor our learning environment to the individual needs of our players. By pinpointing the individual strengths and weaknesses of each of our players, SAA has helped our coaching staff and management to provide quality guidance to our team members. We continue to work with SAA to positively impact additional areas of our organization.
James Richmond - Head Coach and General Manager, Mississauga Steelheads
SAA has provided our hockey club with insight that has been invaluable in helping the coaching staff better communicate with our players. This is a necessary tool to becoming a better coach. Today’s players are looking for positive reinforcement and more communication and SAA has allowed us to check off both of those boxes for our players. Positive results will come by using SAA and that’s exactly what developing the player is about. Thanks so much Andrew, and look forward to continuing to work together with our hockey club.
Shelley Newton - Sports Parent, Sudbury, Canada
Our son loves basketball but was very hard on himself, getting stuck in his head and wearing his emotions on his sleeve.  After only one full session with Andrew he was able to get in the zone, focused on the present and it was beautiful to watch.  He went from frustrated and emotional to tournament MVP the following weekend!
Ben and Robin Kelly - Sports Parents, Minnesota, USA
My 13 year old son Ben has been working with Andrew this summer on improving his mental game. Andrew has given him the tools to learn from his mistakes without getting frustrated and to push himself harder with no fear of making a mistake.  He also taught him how he can get in and stay in the zone when playing. He has shown immediate improvement. He is unfazed by any mistakes and is pushing himself to new levels with absolute confidence and no fear. Thanks so much for the coaching Andrew!
Emanuel Vella - Athlete, Michigan, USA
The program gave me new tools to utilize during games to achieve a more consistent and clear approach as to how I can overcome game obstacles. Andrew used a personalized presentation based on the way I process information to point out areas for improvement, as well as to compare myself to other professional athletes. Using the techniques outlined by Andrew my mental game became more rounded and ‘the zone’ has become easier to find on a regular basis. Thanks very much again for the session, I got a lot out of it.
Brian and Kelly Bennett - Sports Parents, Pittsburgh, USA
The Mental Game Academy program from Self Aware Athlete has been extremely valuable for our son Noah. His play has become more productive and consistent, and he approaches the game in a different way now. Mental Game Academy has not only helped him in sports, but in everyday life as well. In our opinion, the concepts taught through this system are transferrable to many different situations that he will encounter as he continues to grow and develop. We are very happy that we found this program and recommend it to others who are looking for help with the mental side of the game to complement their training. 
Chris Beckford - Coach, St. Louis Blues and Ryerson University
I think SAA is awesome, especially for goalies. I think a lot of their performance has to do with mindset once they are at a certain skill level. Goalies will spend a ton of money going to all kinds of goalie schools growing up but pay zero attention to the mental game which is what will set them apart. All the goalies even in our league are capable of stealing a game here and there but the ones that get to the next level can do it consistently and that is all mental.
Ryan Barbosa - Athlete, Ontario, Canada
Really enjoyed this.  Made me look at myself in a different way and will use the techniques given to be more effective.  I learned about the thoughts in my mind and how they help or hurt me on the field.  I learned how to reset when something goes wrong and how to come back to the present.  This will make me a more efficient and effective player.
Matt Mancina - Athlete, Ontario, Canada
Andrew allowed me to recognize how important the mental aspect of sport was to my overall game. The biggest thing I took from it was to just let things go and focus on what you can control. 
Dawn and Chad Cowan - Sports Parents, Yukon, Canada
The SAA course has and will again benefit our son with the mental aspect of sport and life. The tools and suggestions that Andrew shared were helpful and easy to understand. Cole believes that this aspect of training will enable him to better his game.
Kevin Foley - Sports Parent, Toronto, Canada
We really were not sure if we should engage in this for our 14 year old athlete, but we are glad we did. We learned a ton and have the beginning of a plan to develop some essential life and sports skills. 
Lisa Roteliuk - Sports Parent, North Dakota, USA
I had to share his progress with you as he had a great tournament. He had 11 total points in 5 games (7 goals and 4 assists). He played with more confidence and was smiling out there and having fun. As a parent, we couldn’t be prouder of his effort and progress.  Thanks so much.
Angie Moroan - Sports Parent - Ontario, Canada
We are celebrating the mental awareness and growth Drew has developed through this program.  He now has an ability to compete and be better prepared then ever before. Thank you. 
Ryan Wells - Athlete, Ontario, Canada
Today in session I learned that the best way to live life is in the present.  Don't dwell on the past or the future. I think these sessions build a lot of confidence and create a positive lifestyle moving forward.
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